Cloud Run is in Alpha, which means APIs may change in any version and documentation is not yet finished. See the changelog to stay up to date with breaking changes.
Makes a call to the Test Iam Permissions method of the Resource Manager API in GCP, which returns the list of permissions the Service Account has on the GCP Project. This is then validated against the list of permissions required for the version of Remotion.
The CLI equivalent is npx remotion cloudrun permissions
The function does not reject with an error if a permission is missing, rather the missing permission is indicated in the return value.
import {testPermissions } from '@remotion/cloudrun';const {results } = awaittestPermissions ();for (constresult ofresults ) {console .log (result .decision ); // "allowed"console .log (result .permissionName ); // "iam.serviceAccounts.actAs"}
An object with the following property:
A callback function that gets called every time a new test has been executed. This allows you to react to new test results coming in much faster than waiting for the return value of the function. Example:
import {testPermissions } from '@remotion/cloudrun';const {results } = awaittestPermissions ({onTest : (result ) => {console .log (result .decision ); // "allowed"console .log (result .permissionName ); // "iam.serviceAccounts.actAs"},});
Return value
An array of objects containing simulation results of each necessary permission. The objects contain the following keys:
Either true
or false
The identifier of the required permission. See the Permissions page to see a list of required permissions.