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Enable Lambda Insightsv4.0.61

You may enable AWS Lambda Insights for your Remotion Lambda function.


Ensure you are on at least Remotion v4.0.61.
If you started using Remotion before v4.0.61, update both your AWS user permission and AWS role permission, since now more permissions are needed.

Enable Lambda Insights

Via CLI:

npx remotion lambda functions deploy --enable-lambda-insights

If the function already existed before, you need to delete it beforehand.

Via Node.js APIs:

import {deployFunction} from '@remotion/lambda';
const {alreadyExisted} = await deployFunction({
createCloudWatchLogGroup: true,
region: 'us-east-1',
timeoutInSeconds: 120,
memorySizeInMb: 3009,
enableLambdaInsights: true,
// Note: If the function previously already existed, Lambda insights are not applied.
// Delete the old function and deploy again.

Add a role to the Lambda function

In order to actually allow Lambda to send data to CloudWatch, you need to do this once:

  • Go to the Lambda Dashboard and select any Remotion Lambda function.
  • In the "Configuration" tab, scroll down to "Monitoring and operations tools" and in the "Additional monitoring tools" section, click "Edit".
  • Toggle the switch to "Enable AWS Lambda Insights". If it is already turned on, disable it, save, and then enable it again.

This will add the necessary permissions to the role of the Lambda function.
All Lambda functions share the same role with the default setup, so you only need to do this once.

View Lambda insights

In your CloudWatch dashboard (link for us-east-1) under Insights ➞ Lambda Insights ➞ Single function, you can view the metrics of the Remotion Lambda function.

A link to the Lambda insights is also included in the return value of renderMediaOnLambda().

If you render via the CLI with the --log=verbose flag, a link to the Lambda insights is also printed, regardless of if Lambda insights are enabled or not.

Unsupported regions

Lambda Insights is not supported by AWS in ap-southeast-4 and ap-southeast-5 and eu-central-2.
If you deploy a Lambda function in one of these regions and attempt to enable Lambda Insight, an error will be thrown.

See also